
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How Did I Get Here?

With Nick Jr. blaring in the background, a two year old snoring on her bean bag chair, and a husband snoring on the couch, I am sitting here thinking, " how did I get here?" I was a 25 year old graphic designer for the local newspaper one day, and the next I was pregnant and planning my wedding. Yes, you read that right; my daughter was a surprise baby. She has been the best surprise I have ever had. Since having her, my life has completely changed. I went from living at home with my parents and working full time, to being married to a wonderful man and working as a SAHM.

I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing. It has been a tough road, but I have learned so much and I've realized how lucky I am to have the mother that I do. My mother has always been my rock and my hero. Growing up, she worked full time as a teacher, yet still made me and my two sisters breakfast each day and drove us to school. She kept our house spotless at all times and cooked us dinner every night. I never really appreciated everything she did for me when I was young. I just thought, well that is what moms are supposed to do.

Now being a mom myself, I look at my mother in a whole new light. I believe she wears an invisible super hero cape. I am amazed and puzzled at how she managed to cook breakfast and dinner for our whole family every day. As a SAHM, I am ashamed to say I barely manage to cook a well rounded dinner three nights out of the week. My mother was always on top of the house cleaning, also. She had a set routine each Saturday - we all had our chores and the house was cleaned top to bottom. My apartment is not clean from top to bottom. I am lucky if it is somewhat clean on most days. I have learned from my mother that things take time. She told me she wasn't always supermom and that it took her years to get into a set routine. As an adult and now a mother, I can look back at my mother and learn so many lessons. I take notes daily and try my best to apply lessons that my mother taught me to my day to day life.

I know I will never be a mirror image of my mother. Honestly, I don't want to be that. I want to be Me - the best mother I can be to my daughter. I feel as mothers we are our worst critics. We criticize ourselves up and down if our lives are not like June Cleaver from Leave It To Beaver. If we are not made up head to toe with the perfect house greeting our husbands with a warm meal and a cold one in our hands at the end of the day, we feel like we've failed. Life is tough and no one is perfect. But I do know that I have a strong, wonderful woman by my side to help me though this journey - My Mom. On top of that, I have a whole network of Moms at my fingertips though The Mommies Network. With both of these tools I am Super Mom.

Originally posted by Kathy from CentralPiedmontMommies.com on The Mommies Network National Blog, 5/7/11


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