
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

DIY Chair Upholstery...with a Toddler!

I love "do it yourself" projects. I think I get it from my father who taught me how to fix cars and fish for food as a child. To this day, it's hard for me to buy fresh fish from a supermarket when I know I can put a hook and worm in the water and get it myself. So, when our dining room chairs needed reupholstering, I figured, "It can't be that hard," plus I had my trusty helper: RJ!

First, RJ, myself and my mother visited a local fabric store and selected a print we loved made of outdoor material. The fabric we chose is waterproof and allows for easy clean up when soiled. Perfect for a home with a 3.5 year old toddler and infant just learning to eat solids!

First step: Remove the padded seats from the chair base. Four screws and they were off!

Next: Remove the old seat covers. They were simply stapled on so it was easy to separate the fabric. Pull and tug! Watch the staples RJ!

Once the old fabric was removed we measured the new material and cut it to fit. Children's rounded tip scissors didn't seem to work on the fabric. Go figure!

One last check for size...

and we started stapling.

Staple guns, with their loud sounds, are like child magnets. "Can I do that?" was a consistent phrase during this step of the process. I knew that if I let him help, it would take double the time because we would have to be extra careful to ensure his safety. My first instinct was to say, "No." Then I stopped myself and asked,"What's the rush?" Plus, who wouldn't want to play with such a fun gadget. So, I showed him how it worked, held it in place and let him push down the lever! No problems! Plus, as is the case with 3yo boys, by the time we completed the first chair, he was off to something else, returning every now and then to get his staple gun fix!



Lastly, we rescrewed the newly upholstered cushions back into the chair bases.

and, "Taaaa Daaaaaaaa" Brand new chairs!

So, when there's a project around your house that probably won't end in destruction, try to do it yourself and, if you have children, include them in the process. In addition to getting the job done, you can teach about units of measurement, count to 100, and even engage in imaginary play with the extra fabric, "You can't see me!"

Doing projects like this with my parents is a part of the moments I remember as a child. So, when the opportunity presents itself, consider taking the time to create these types of life memories with your loved ones.

Post submitted by DeLise (ShepherdHearts) from NorthMetroDCMommies.com
Origionally Posted on Our Life Memories Blog on April 15, 2011


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